If you have been following me at all you know I don't have any small children but my daughter is a 4th grade teacher so I made one for her as a little surprise gift.

I bought a small clay pot and the base that goes under it. I already had red paint and the clay, Just to let you know it isn't just any kind of clay, you need to get the kind that you bake so that it become hard and doesn't crack. That took no time at all and I did it in my toaster oven. I made the stem right on the top (which is really the clay pot base) and then put the top with the stem attached to it right in the oven. It won't hurt the clay pot at all. Last I just found a leaf from the tons of silk flower bushels I have and hot glued that on to the stem.

So adorable right?
On the original, from Pinterest, she did not paint the inside but I did.
Then just so things did not fall through the little hole in the bottom I glued a round piece of felt to the bottom.
There you have it.
I hope she like it!