I pretty much had almost everything in my pantry but the chicken.
Pillsbury biscuits
Mixed Vegetables (I don’t like using frozen it makes it to watery)
Cream of Mushroom Soup (original calls for Cream of Chicken but we like Mushroom)
1 cup of shredded cheese
1 lb of chicken (I used chicken strips, original called for a breast of chicken)
Salt & Pepper

The recipe is so simple. Cook chicken – Duh.. I love when recipes tell us to do these things, like the disclaimer on coffee that says be careful item may be hot… LOL..
Back to what I’m here for. Mix everything in a bowl. Just to let you know I did not use the whole can of each of the vegetables, only 1/2. If you want to double the recipe then use the whole can. Just way too much.

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees and grease the muffin tin. In each cup place a biscuit.
Oh… now opening the “Pop Fresh” Pillsbury biscuit container needs a whole blog entry in it self. First these little blue tubes scare the crap out of me. You rip off that paper that never rips off correctly. It says "start here" and one eighth of an inch into it you a little piece in one hand and the whole tube in the other. Now your fighting to scrape up with your fingernail another “start” piece and this goes on at least three more times. Yea you get all the paper off but now and your holding something that looks like the end of the toilet paper roll only heavier and still no POP! There were three of us at this thing, my cousin, my mother and myself. We even called my daughter in to help us. We squeezed it, took a butter knife to it, slapped it against the the edge of the counter (remember when that's all it took to open these damn things) and after about 5 mins. of us handing this thing off like a hot potato... I can’t remember who finally got that thing to POP but it did and don’t ask me how it happen.
Pinch me… I was having a nightmare. That damn blue tube!!!!

Ok, so the biscuits are open and in the bottom of the tins. Just scoop your mixture on top of your biscuit and slide it into the oven. Cook for 15 mins. Let stand for 3.
Your finished product!

Now here comes the real reason why we are here. How was it? Mixed reviews. Once they were out of the oven they smelled great and looked even better. Now for the true test, how did they taste? The mixture was very good, the biscuit not so much. They were very heavy and didn’t rise very well.. not at all really.
All in all it was a good appetizer or snack but not a dinner.
My mom’s imput: “if you have the tiny-mini muffin tins it would be a great party finger food.”
Things I would do to maybe make it a little better, at least for us. I will use Grands biscuits next time. They are much more fluffy and really rise. They have layers, like an onion. Anyone remember where that line is from? If you do then you're as old as I am. Ha Ha.
I think this is what they call ADD. I get so side tracked.
The other thing is the next time I make this, and I will, I will take each biscuit and not just “plop” the biscuit in the bottom. I will mold it into a little cup so it comes up the sides a bit and then put the filling in the biscuit cup.
Well there you have it my first Recipe Re Do. I think I would rate this a C- not a fail but just average.
Happy Cooking all!~
1 comment:
these look tasty!
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