My BFF and I headed out to one of our favorite craft stores and bought our supplies..
1 - Wooden Frame.. just $1.99
2 pks of assorted googly eyes
Little wood letters ( I spelled EEK) they were on clearance for . 19 cents each .. SCORE!
Green Paint
Glue/Glue Gun
Of course both of us had the glitter, glue, glue gun and ribbon. So the whole project really only cost us the Frame and the goggle eyes.. and paint.. so under $10.00.
Let me tell you about a great idea that any crafter should consider. At my work we sell a little 7.5 oz jar of Ultra Behr paint just for $2.97. They are really for a customer to get a sample of the paint they are thinking about purchasing. Paint changes so much sometimes when you paint it on the wall that it is a good way to make sure you like the color before you buy so much and then find out you hate it. The best part it can be mixed in about 3500 different colors. So I picked a green out called Appletinie. It was more than enough for both our frames.
As you can see in the background just paint away. Paint the frame completly. I even painted the back of mine but that's all up to you. I did give it two coats but don't worry if it's not perfect. Most of it will be completely covered up by the eyes.
Ok.. wait until it is all dry and start gluing your eyes on. I bought two bags of assorted. There were about 4 or 5 different sizes. I used all of them but the littlest and at the end filled in the holes with the littlest eyes. So here is what it should look like when done.
Getting the idea yet?
Next I took the little letters I bought and spread Crystal Effects on them, then sprinkled black glitter all over. I let this dry completely and then did it one more time. This gave it thickness. To finish this up just wrap the ribbon across the bottom, make a bow, and glue on your letters.
What do you think? We have fallen in love with these and plan on making a few for gifts. I decided to cut some scrapbook paper and add a Halloween Tag instead of a picture. You really can't see the EEK letters but I wish you could in real time.. the picture does not do it justice.
Well get your supply list and hurry up and get started.. Halloween will be here before you know it!
Big Mamma Luvs Ya

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