Yep I'm home. My stay was short and sweet. Apparently my body/liver reacts very quickly to heal my body. (please note: these are the remarks and explanation given to me by their doctors)
Prior to calling for this study I was going to the gym at least 3 times a week and just before going in for my first physical I was lifting a lot of weights. So much that my legs hurt and my arms hurt so much it was very uncomfortable to stretch them out. I thought I was doing good. Loosing weight and getting back into shape after the holiday eat fest. I was never told or asked about exercise levels. I guess there is a enzyme that your liver gives out when you work out to repair muscle damage. A normal person has a level of 200 and mine was 14,000. They called me back to redo the blood draw, thinking it was a mistake, but also asked me about working out. I then told them how I was working out and they let me know to stop completely and they would do a redraw. I guess everything was fine after I stopped and so I was admitted to the study.
As I had said in my previous post the last day I was there we did many, many vitals. I guess that was another problem; my blood pressure readings were all over the map. My blood pressure was pretty low at one point with a reading of 86/64. Most of the time the top number ran 109 -96 and the bottom numbers were between
70&76 .
So their full explanation was that "the client" which is the drug company that is trying to get FDA approval for this certain drug did not feel I would be a very accurate body. They felt my body responded to quick and often to what's going on with it and that I was manipulating my readings. The bottom line is that they could not take a chance of not knowing if it was my body that was creating a certain reading or was it the drug that I was taking creating the reading.
Good news is they still pay me for the time I was there so that is good.. I have to wait until the study is done so won't see anything til around the first of March. They said I can still try to get into other studies but not this one again. Maybe I will, maybe I won't but it was quite the experience.
Big Mamma Luvs Ya
Prior to calling for this study I was going to the gym at least 3 times a week and just before going in for my first physical I was lifting a lot of weights. So much that my legs hurt and my arms hurt so much it was very uncomfortable to stretch them out. I thought I was doing good. Loosing weight and getting back into shape after the holiday eat fest. I was never told or asked about exercise levels. I guess there is a enzyme that your liver gives out when you work out to repair muscle damage. A normal person has a level of 200 and mine was 14,000. They called me back to redo the blood draw, thinking it was a mistake, but also asked me about working out. I then told them how I was working out and they let me know to stop completely and they would do a redraw. I guess everything was fine after I stopped and so I was admitted to the study.
As I had said in my previous post the last day I was there we did many, many vitals. I guess that was another problem; my blood pressure readings were all over the map. My blood pressure was pretty low at one point with a reading of 86/64. Most of the time the top number ran 109 -96 and the bottom numbers were between
70&76 .
So their full explanation was that "the client" which is the drug company that is trying to get FDA approval for this certain drug did not feel I would be a very accurate body. They felt my body responded to quick and often to what's going on with it and that I was manipulating my readings. The bottom line is that they could not take a chance of not knowing if it was my body that was creating a certain reading or was it the drug that I was taking creating the reading.
Good news is they still pay me for the time I was there so that is good.. I have to wait until the study is done so won't see anything til around the first of March. They said I can still try to get into other studies but not this one again. Maybe I will, maybe I won't but it was quite the experience.
Big Mamma Luvs Ya